Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Life Lessons for February 2012

Work ate up most of my time this month. Hence, the long overdue blog update.

I have so many moments to share, but for now, let me give you my February batch of life lessons. Read on.

32. Go out of your comfort zone. Say hello to technology.

33. Don't say yes to everything. Learn how to turn down and say no when you have to. You're neither a doormat nor a robot.

34. Be approachable, considerate & helpful to your officemates. A happy working environment lessens the stress.

35. Do it yourself.

36. Don't let your mind stop you from having a good time. -Jason Mraz

37. When do you stop asking questions? Once you get the answer.

38. Never settle for "Okay lang" and "Pwede na". You're born to have the best, do your best and be the best.

39. Pay attention to details. Always double check and re-check.

40. Find fulfillment from your job and use it as a motivation to keep going.

41. Act with confidence and maturity.

42. One of the highest (but usually taken for granted) forms of respect is listening. Listen.

43. During (rare) family time, really be there. Forget about work, turn off the internet *coughs*, answer the SMS later.

44. Stuff you can splurge on? Comfy shoes, reliable umbrella, and the like.

45. "Be Love" <3

46. Surround yourself with happy people, good stuff, and a positive environment. Shoo away negativity - -you don't need any.

47. Instead of labeling people as difficult, think of them as different.

48. You are investing the best years of your life to your current job. Make it a good investment.

49. Don't just think out of the box. Try thinking without the box.

50. Keep the faith.

51. Never lose that yearning for learning. Otherwise, you'll become a dinosaur.

52. The person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter, is not a nice person.

53. Learn how to say NO.

54. The magic is within you. There ain't no crystal ball.

55. Don't take yourself too seriously. No one else does.

56. "When you want something, the best person to depend on is yourself." (Loved this quote I read somewhere)

57. Make time for your friends. Through ups and down, they'll be there for you, keeping you sane.

58. Pay yourself FIRST.

59. Manage expectations and address them beforehand.

60. People who do not say what they want, don't give themselves a chance to get what they really want.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Reader's Corner: Precious (Based on the novel Push) by Sapphire

This is one of those books that I find difficult to start reading(and even continue reading) because of the heartbreaking issues that make up the story. But I tried to, and finished it in less than a day because it is touching and enlightening, I cannot put it down.

Precious is about a poor, illiterate girl, abused(raped) by her father since she was a toddler, mistreated by her mother and looked down by members of her community. The chapters began with Precious, pregnant with her second child by her father, and showing her hopes of a better life for her and her children. Her life is too sad for words, or is it just the emotional me talking. Her authentic existence captivated me to go on.
Being colored, fat and ignorant, her actuality is hell. But she was a sunshine. Her painful journey to learn, to educate herself was challenging yet redemptive, a dark tunnel but with a sparkle of light. Very inspirational.
It was an experience to be open to reality through this bestseller. It was not the usual underdog-meets-happily-ever-after. Her existence was a beautiful process, a slow but progressing one, made more interesting by abuse issues, gender concerns, and day-to-day environmental situations tackled in the story.
Two thumbs up.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Kikay It Up

I've seen various blog posts about make-up must-haves and the inggitera in me knew I just have to have an entry like those one day, when my kikay kit is kikay enough. Disclaimer: I'm a non-pro in make-up application (Go ask my sister) and my knowhow is limited, given the very basic stuff I have. I was not really a fan of cosmetics, the closest thing is my adoration for lipsticks. However, I have grown into appreciating them because they accentuate some of my features, especially during haggard days - how the mascara pops my eyes when i'm too sleepy to function, how a red lippie lightens up a gloomy day, so and so.
Lo and behold, I would like to present my "make-up collection"(70% sponsored by my mom, stepmom, aunts and cousins) and my thoughts on these wonderful products.

For base, I use CoverGirl AquaSmooth Foundation. I like the fact that it's not too powdery(like the CoverGirl TruBlend Mineral Powder I was using before) and not too creamy for it to feel sticky in the face. The concealer was an impulse buy(thanks to the recommendation of the saleslady), but totally worth it. Revlon Age Defying Concealer, have great reviews and I couldn't agree more. It's easy to apply, the color works for my dark under-eye circles. Before, I relied on Revlon's ColorStay Concealer but the formula is too cake-y for me and it was hard to manage the container so I ended up wasting some cream.

Instead of the usual red/pink blush-ons, I depend on the bronzer for my cheeks because it gives my olive skin tone that sun-kissed glow(Props to CoverGirl Tanfantastic). The MAC Darkly My Dear was a gift(I don't think I can afford a MAC). I was hesitant to use it at first(because of the shade) but it's old rose or brownish pink effect (don't trust me with my color judgment) was an instant hit to my cheekbones. It's not too pink, not too red, not to heavy and not to overbearing to look at. I love wearing it along with my pink lipsticks.
The starter brush set was a gift too, and I loved it! I don't have any brushes(except for the ones that go along with the powders) and I'm non-pro in terms of make-up application. The kit contains 3 brusher specifically for the base/foundation, cheeks/blush-on and eyes/eyeshadow. Plus points are how-to-use tips inside the box.

Eyes are the trickiest part for me. Usually, I just use the eyelash curler and Magnum Mascara to make my eyes pop, well, look enthusiastic. Maybelline offers interesting, affordable and cute(gave my sister the Hello Kitty edition) mascara varieties. The mascara makes my eyes look phenomenal and it lasts long(and hard to remove. Haha).
All the eyeshadow were just given to me because I find them unnecessary to buy(From a shopaholic? Really?). It was just recently that I learned to apply them in a "proper way, way better than my smudgy looking eyelids before. My sister is good in blending the shades, I ask for her knowhow during special occasions.

Here is the best part: LIPSTICKS!!!
The Body Shop's Born Lippy Lip Balm is the very first "make-up" I bought for myself, I was in sixth grade then. Years, countless lip balms and different flavors(Strawberry, Raspberry, Mango, Peach) after, it's definitely one of my most trusted products. When I was younger, I use it to cure my dry, chapped lips and as "lip gloss" for the then tween me. Now, I rely on it as my lip base and moisturizer. Carmex is a runner-up.
The Maybelline lip liner is a lip liner but I use it as a lipstick and sometimes, apply it together with another lipstick to come up with a different shade. It's color is more like a hot pink, the pink girly girls wear. I call it my "Barbie" shade.

Lipsticks are my kryptonite in the cosmetic division. And before I rave and wail about them, I better continue this "make-up review" post. As you may observe, all my lipsticks are from Revlon. I have a simple reason -they're affordable(umm MAC?) products of good quality, they make my lips feel good(except for their Just Bitten line) and look good. I particularly like Revlon's ColorStay Soft&Smooth collection because it's matte, long-staying and moisturizing but the shades available are very limited.
Moving on, here are my thoughts on these swatches.
Cherry Pop - This is a shimmery, vibrant red and the color makes me feel fun and young.
It always lights up my non-made-up face. I use this during casual, lazy days.
Pink in the Afternoon - I was looking for a light shade and saw this on the saleslady, I had to ask her what lipstick she is wearing. This is a beautiful shade of light pink which gives a natural feel. I wear this on serious office activities(seminars, events) and whenever I feel like being Ms. Prim and Proper. I received many complements about this shade.
Sweet Tart - This one's from the new Lip Butter line(I've been waiting for this!) which is a lipstick and lip balm combo, so with this, I do not have to apply a moisturizing lip base anymore. This is a candy, "pa-weetums" shade I like to match with blush-on.
Satin Rosewood - I got this upon learning that the best lipstick shade is the one twice darker than your natural lip color. Of old rose hue, but on some lighting, it looks a light pink shade. This is one of my for-serious-stuff lipsticks.
Ripened Red - For someone who hates red, what a surprise. I read somewhere that red is a great color, you just have to find the shade that works for you. In my case, I'd like to believe this is it! It's a red orangey " I had too much banana catsup" color but it looks amazing in my skin tone, hair color and zero make-up. Take it from someone who's wearing it at home, right now.

All these wonderful products are tucked inside this black polka dot(I have a thing for black polka dot stuff) cosmetic case I got from Landmark. I've been looking for a functional make up pouch for years now and finally, I found one with inside compartments for the lipsticks and a classic style.

This had been a fun, girly blog post. I lost adjectives and some descriptions were lame but I enjoyed showing off my kikay kit, my boyfriend will never understand. Haha. However, I have to be reminded that real beauty still comes from within. Bad personality = bad aura. Always.

P.S. Still on the look-out for that coral, light orange lipstick shade for summer!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It doesn't get any better than this.

Over the moon by my Mamma Mia experience, I was wide awake(hyper, if I may add) on the wee hours of Sunday, reminiscing the wonderful memories of the musical. My happiness was heightened by the sudden realization that I made my dreams of watching live performances of my favorites - Rivermaya(April 2005), Jason Mraz(October 2011) and Mamma Mia(February 2012) - come true. I have all these crazy, fangirl stories of how I managed to get to these shows(Take it from me when I say "crazy"). My hardheadedness, my tactics to overcome budget constraints, my sacrifices, they were all worth it. And so I made a tweet of gratitude that very moment at dawn to pay tribute to my "accomplishment."

And as if the heavens haven't been that good to me already, I got an unexpected surprise of a lifetime hours later...

Rico Blanco replied to my tweet!!! I was literally jumping, shrieking at home(if I only curse, I would. Haha), going around, sharing the"good news" to my family, and was almost in tears. I am overwhelmed by joy. It's all too good to be true. The Rico Blanco, needless to say, made my day. What can I do? I'm a fan.

To end this note, I'm posting a photo of Rico Blanco and I, taken one autograph signing afternoon in July 2007.
I have another crazy story about this but all I can say right now is that "To live is indeed to cherish".

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Reader's Corner: Productive Pinoy by Yeng Remulla

I went home one day and found this book inside my cabinet with a note which reads: "A good read. Return after". It was a usual thoughtful gesture from my stepmom, and with free time after work, I began reading it.

Productive Pinoy is a self-help book subdivided into lesson-styled chapters, with categories ranging from How to Get Organized, How to Handle Your Money and Time, How to Live a Meaningful Life and so on. The difference from the other self-helps I've read is that Productive Pinoy is real life, Philippine setting. You will find Pinoy stories, Only in the Philippines humor, which were relatable and relevant in present day scenario. The short topics made it an easy read, I finished the book in less than a day. I recommend it to every Juan who wants to have a work-life balance. As the author points out the difference of a workaholic from a productive person, you'll appreciate the tips and ideas for a truly lived existence.

I have a dream: The Mamma Mia Experience

I was instantly hooked when I saw the Mamma Mia movie version in 2008. I loved everything about it. The songs(I can't pick one favorite), the actors, the dancing, the setting(Beautiful Greece), the wedding(I want a Mamma Mia-inspired wedding. Seriously), the costumes, well, all. What's not to like, anyway? It's captivating, feel-good, and it makes you reminisce the memorable 70s (as if I was already born during the hippie/retro/FlowerPower period), basically, your childhood. One of my cheer up techniques during down moments is making You Tube ala videoke and I search Mamma Mia songs with lyrics and just sing away.

So, when I heard Mamma Mia is coming to the Philippines for a month-long run, it was not a question of "Would I go or not?"(It was more, "Can I afford it?" Haha). It was early September 2011 and I already prepared myself(and my pocket) for it. However, a week later, there's news that Jason Mraz(my all-time favorite musician) is coming to Manila for a one-night October concert. Since I do not have the budget to attend both, I chose Mr. A-Z(No regrets. I will see him live over and over again, if money's not an option). The (aMrazing)concert went by, the year ended, and Mamma Mia was fast approaching.

Come January, unstoppable me bought tickets to see Mamma Mia!
Come 4th of February, I made another dream a reality - see Mamma Mia! live.
I was extremely excited - it's my first time to watch at CCP's Main Theater, first time to catch an international production and of course, because it's Mamma Mia!.
I went with my stepmom(who's a great companion, btw), bought myself Mamma Mia hat(which I'm wearing now) and t-shirt, and took pictures at the lobby just because.
We were seated at the balcony, the farthest part, but I was surprised the view is good and it was a nice position to be at. The show was amazing! I love Abba so it was difficult refraining myself from singing out loud when I know the lyrics of the songs. The actors, though with accent, had great timing, vocals and choreography. The story is predictable(take it from someone who watched the movie gazillion times) but the entire experience is worth it. During the encore or the Mamma Mia/Dancing Queen/Waterloo medley, my stepmom and I stood up, sang and danced away. I've read about audiences dancing in the aisles and it's kind of disappointing that there's only a few who did it during the show. But well, I did it. I'm glad I did because the moment was too enjoyable - I just want to dance and sing out loud. Jason Mraz once said "Don't let your mind keep you from having a good time". I had the best time. I'm on a high(and still, at the moment).

Mamma Mia! is an experience of a lifetime.
Dear Abba, thank you for the music. I mean, really.
I have a dream. Now, it is a realized dream. :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Life Lessons for January 2012

I was inspired by random twitter accounts which provide tips/lessons and by "God Never Blinks" so since the year started, I made it a point to write down one lesson, no matter how basic or shallow, that I learn each day.
It's amazing I gained so much wisdom from the past 31 days alone. What more can a lifetime offer?
Oh well, below are my gained wisdom from January 2012. Read on.

1. Welcome each day as an opportunity to learn, to love, to share, to prosper, to grow, to shine.

2. There is no substitute to preparation. Overprepare, then go with the flow.

3. Fear is a great indication that you are on the threshold of growth.

4. There’s a time and place for hardheadedness. Wearing wedges to the MRT will kill you.

5. Don’t prolong things you can finish doing in a minute. Do it today, do it now.

6. Count your blessings. You’ll be surprised you have so much.

7 Work smart in the office. Then, enjoy your weekend.

8. Travel. Adventure is out there!

9. We first make our habits then our habits make us.

10. Take down notes, make a list, set the alarm. You won’t remember everything.

11. Be sensitive and considerate. Enough.

12. Take control of your happiness and inner peace.
Never wait for someone or something to make it happen for you.

13. Keep in touch with family and friends. They’re your number one source of love support, inspiration and happiness.

14. Never deprive yourself from food and sleep. Basta bawal magtipid sa pagkain.

15. Make anything you do a stepping stone in achieving your dreams.

16. Work to learn, not just to earn. Fruits of hard work will follow.

17. Say please, Thank you or Sorry when you have to. And sincerely.

18. Be self-motivated. No managers or supervisors should be pushing you to do things and
act now other than yourself.

19. Get busy living.

20. Maintain a cheery, positive attitude especially in the workplace. You'll never know.

21. Work on that stage fright. You got nothing to lose, so relax.

22. Have patience with kids(e.g. cousins). They can be noisy, naughty and all over the place but they're kids.
Like what do you expect?

23. Never blame others with what is happening in your life. You are in control.

24. Rest. Good health is important. You can't live an awesome existence with colds and a weak of a system.

25. Never assume. Wait before a go before you go.

26. You lose nothing by asking.

27. Finish what you started before moving on to the next task.

28. Never stop learning. Ask questions, read, try Google, don't stop until you get the answer.

29. Listen. learn how to.

30. Drink lots of water. Everyday.

31. Work smart. Productive is a go, Workaholic is a no.