Wednesday, April 25, 2012

FINALLY opened a bank account. YEAAAH!!!

For real. With small but actual savings in it. Seriously?
Saving is probably one of the hardest but necessary tasks in my 2012 project.
For a impulsive shopper such as yours truly, it took me quite some time to save enough and go for this practical and mature decision - that is, to open an account. I read somewhere that one should pay himself first. This means that before you go spending off your salary in needs and wants, save some for yourself because it in this amount do you truly care for yourself(Now I sound like a self-help book. no way!) My parents keep on insisting me to save, save, save. Too hard-headed to listen, I ended up being broke a lot of times, most significantly, when I quit my first job. 

With this, and the realization that I'm almost into 2 years of working but with zero peso saved, hit me and made me write it down as one of my things to accomplish this year. And gladly, I did it this month by myself. I'm pleased. Woot, woot. 

I still have a long way to go, building up my saving discipline and all, but this is the beginning. 

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