Saturday, January 28, 2012

Look who's talking: My 2012 Health Resolution

My Body Mass Index will tell you I'm underweight by 5lbs.
And I know it's not much of a big deal, with my thin arms and all, but when I started to realize how weak my immune system and low my energy level is, I decided to strive to get healthy.
Days before my 21st birthday, I went for a general check-up and boy, was I panicking when I found out "problems" with my body. Nothing serious to worry about, but hello, I don't want to get sick.

So, my parents advised me to start exercising and take vitamins(which I take, occasional. Like, when I have coughs/colds..). They said I need to get moving for better health, higher energy, improvement in my aura(I always look stressed out) and once I maintain the conscious effort, it will help me when I get older. So, I took their word and started on with my non-athletic frame and little determination(which I hope won't die down after a few weeks).

My options were walking(I walk a lot), running(because it's cheap), going to the gym and swimming(free use in our area), "dancing"(well, I follow these YouTube videos) and climbing the stairs(Mrt, office, condo). Parents got me these cute pair of running shoes for Christmas, because I'm so shallow to think that good-looking shoes will motivate me. On my part, I invested on sports bra and shorts(which was fun because I have a new excuse for shopping).
I love dressing up so I scourge my cabinet for shirts and shorts and pants that goes well with my "sports outfit" and even asked our househelp to give me the pink Nestea tumbler because it complements my attire. Hahaha. I like colorful sports stuff because it uplifts the boring exercise mood.

Back to where it should be, I jump started January taking hour brisk walks around our village in Laguna. Then, by weekdays, I stationary biked for 6-10kms for 15minutes on random mornings(Random. Not everyday.). I tried the treadmill too but I easily get tired and embarrassed whenever there's people at the gym because I'm such a weakling. One morning, I got bored going to the gym(who won't?) so I swam at our community pool because I hear that it's good for the entire body and breathing, and boy, I managed to climb 12 plights of stairs after that swim.

Parents said I had more energy lately, which is good. I'm working hard to make this exercise thing a habit, you know. I just hope I'll maintain this habit for the entire year. Crossed fingers here. And I also hope that Megamall will open a runners' lane along their shops so that exercise will not be boring. Hahaha

This is my 2012 Health Resolution. "Start exercising!". Yeah, right.

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