Sunday, January 15, 2012

Life begins in 5..4..3..2..

Funny how a Disney song could change your outlook forever.

I was randomly listening to Tangled's "When Will My Life Begin?" the other day
and the lyrics hit me like a thunderbolt.
Here I am, spending an amazing weekend inside my bedroom, wasting hours and hours on the internet, reading about other people's interesting lives while I sat in envy and zero substance.
Adventure is out there, but where am I stuck at?
Next thing I knew, I was browsing my Facebook albums and reviewing my old blog.
I realized that it had been years since I last enjoyed the serenity of a beach(but I'm a beach bum!), went sight seeing(to think I reside in beautiful Philippines!), tried something new, and traveled(<3). I felt bored and unhappy.

With these thoughts, and reading Eat, Pray, Love(Elizabeth Gilbert), God Never Blinks(Regina Brett) and The Happiness Project (Gretchen Rubin) and knowing about DOT's #it'smorefuninthephilippines campaign, I am ignited with hunger for a more awesome existence.

Being myself, I made a list. With a target. This is because I have a number of dream destinations + activities lists in my previous planners, many of which were never crossed out.
For 2012, I came up with 12 attainable things I would like to accomplish before the year ends.
Some to-do's are for leisure, education, personal and interpersonal development,
but mainly, for a better me.

There are a lot of things I want to try, places I would love to visit, experiences I would love to immerse myself into but I haven't had the time/money/effort/insert-excuses-here to turn them into a reality. And sadly, the things I've been doing(and not) in my day-to-day were not
"stepping stones" towards my bigger goals and dreams. Wasted time & opportunities.
Then I saw this skydiving video at the "30 Before 30" blog(one of my inspirations!) and had to replay over and over because I was captivated by that moment.
The initiative of making a list and the courage in taking risks for a truly lived existence.
I want that so badly. And now is the best time.

This blog is my first step in going after that dream.
When will my life begin? Today.

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