Sunday, January 29, 2012

DIY Binondo FoodTrip

Except for the usual Siomai and Chowking fare(and my all-time favorite Hanpao Noodle Feast, which restaurant closed down), I am not fond of Chinese cuisine. Whenever my family dine out, I am very vocal of my dislike of Chinese restaurants. Sure, I eat the stuff but not the happy and excited feeling when having pasta, ice cream, pizza. You know?

It's quite ironic to write Binondo as one of my go-to places in my planner. Maybe it's my mechanism telling me "Ayen, give Chinese food a try."
I've been there when I was younger and have passed the area so many times before, but I read enough blog entries and raves to look forward to going back there for a "food adventure".
Yesterday, I persistently convince my boyfriend to go there with me for merienda.
We went, and without plans, ended up at random eateries to fill up our stomachs.

1. Quick Stop - siomai is so-so, black gulaman is sweet and yummy and the Fried Lumpia is the best tasting lumpia I had. Rarely do I see Ado eat vegetables, well, he enjoyed the lumpia.
2. Dong Bei - I read somewhere that they serve the best dumplings in Binondo. Not fond of dumplings, but they sure are delicious. The pork and chives variants are good, Ado liked them. But again, not for me to repeat. By the way, I liked the canned tea they served, which tasted like gulaman.
3. Random grocery store - Bought Korean ice cream sandwich. I'm obsessed with ice cream, divine.
4. Eng Bee Tin and Holland Store - We dropped by these places to check out hopia, tikoy (fish shaped ones are cute but I never eat tikoy), delicacies and other edible stuff. I saw Ian Dy of Old Manila Walks at Holland Hopia Store with his tour group. I initially thought of joining his tour but Ado disagreed saying we have limited budget. True but I still want to join someday.
5. Singabore Fish balls - Tried the curry fish balls which lost my appetite. Ado had lobster and squid balls which were good, according to him.

Our Binondo food trip was nice, but honestly, these foods are not for me. It was a memorable experience though and I learned the importance of research the next time I go for a food adventure.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Look who's talking: My 2012 Health Resolution

My Body Mass Index will tell you I'm underweight by 5lbs.
And I know it's not much of a big deal, with my thin arms and all, but when I started to realize how weak my immune system and low my energy level is, I decided to strive to get healthy.
Days before my 21st birthday, I went for a general check-up and boy, was I panicking when I found out "problems" with my body. Nothing serious to worry about, but hello, I don't want to get sick.

So, my parents advised me to start exercising and take vitamins(which I take, occasional. Like, when I have coughs/colds..). They said I need to get moving for better health, higher energy, improvement in my aura(I always look stressed out) and once I maintain the conscious effort, it will help me when I get older. So, I took their word and started on with my non-athletic frame and little determination(which I hope won't die down after a few weeks).

My options were walking(I walk a lot), running(because it's cheap), going to the gym and swimming(free use in our area), "dancing"(well, I follow these YouTube videos) and climbing the stairs(Mrt, office, condo). Parents got me these cute pair of running shoes for Christmas, because I'm so shallow to think that good-looking shoes will motivate me. On my part, I invested on sports bra and shorts(which was fun because I have a new excuse for shopping).
I love dressing up so I scourge my cabinet for shirts and shorts and pants that goes well with my "sports outfit" and even asked our househelp to give me the pink Nestea tumbler because it complements my attire. Hahaha. I like colorful sports stuff because it uplifts the boring exercise mood.

Back to where it should be, I jump started January taking hour brisk walks around our village in Laguna. Then, by weekdays, I stationary biked for 6-10kms for 15minutes on random mornings(Random. Not everyday.). I tried the treadmill too but I easily get tired and embarrassed whenever there's people at the gym because I'm such a weakling. One morning, I got bored going to the gym(who won't?) so I swam at our community pool because I hear that it's good for the entire body and breathing, and boy, I managed to climb 12 plights of stairs after that swim.

Parents said I had more energy lately, which is good. I'm working hard to make this exercise thing a habit, you know. I just hope I'll maintain this habit for the entire year. Crossed fingers here. And I also hope that Megamall will open a runners' lane along their shops so that exercise will not be boring. Hahaha

This is my 2012 Health Resolution. "Start exercising!". Yeah, right.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lolo Carding & Lola Tina's Golden Wedding Anniversary

01-21-12 is a historic date in our family. This day marks the 50th Wedding Anniversary of our beloved Lolo Carding and Lola Tina, my paternal grandparents. Instead of a big party, we attended mass at San Martin, handed-out food for the children there and after the ceremony, had dinner at La Familia Restaurant with the immediate family.
It was a simple and intimate affair, no guests except for the kids and several San Martin visitors,
yet a memorable one. Our familial love is in the air and I was misty-eyed in joy.

The officiating priest and relative, Fr. Boyet, said it best that "Marriage is a mission".
My grandparents withstood many obstacles to keep our family strong. We are a close-knit bunch
and we continue to be so because we have Lolo & Lola in our lives.

Reader's Corner: The Help by Kathryn Stockett

The Help by Kathryn Stockett is about the lives of colored domestic helpers working for white families, in 1960's Jackson, Mississipi, where there is high racial discrimination. Treating their boss' children like their own but being mistreated in return, receiving punishment for using the "bathroom for whites" and getting killed for speaking up against the evident inequality were some of the heartbreaking accounts I've been open to while reading this masterpiece. The maids' stories were real, though often sad, were touching. Beautifully written, the book connected with me as if I'm at the setting's kitchen, hearing the careful whispers for change.
I just have to say that I adored Minny's character, outspoken but true to herself, she sparkled in that era of fear.

The values I gained from the best-seller were respect and fairness.
Growing up with helpers in the household, I established love-hate-love-love relationships with them, but I am lucky to be raised with respect to these significant people in my life. Their presence made up for my alone moments especially when I was younger and I needed the extra attention and unconditional love they provided me with.
I'm grateful for Ate Mercy, Ate Dorina and Ate Vangie.

Memorable line/s: "You is good. you is beautiful. You is important'

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Best Memories of 2011

2011 had been an amazing year for me. Though it kicked off to a bad/sad start, the following months were filled with adventures, opportunities and memories I will treasure forever.

In gratitude, I made a list of the top 5 memorable events I loved and appreciated the most.

1. Christmas 2011

The Holiday season was extra special last December because my dad’s youngest brother, who I’m close with and haven’t seen for more than 8 years, went home and celebrated Christmas with us. Our annual party was more fun and meaningful with his and his wife’s presence, and truly, the occasion was all about love and family. Sure, the gifts and food had been overwhelming but I have to give it to Tito Ichan and Tita Joyce for making Christmas 2011 the best I had in a long time.

2. Jason Mraz in Manila (30 October 2011, Smart Araneta Coliseum)

Seeing and hearing Jason Mraz perform live was an incredible experience, way too good for words. Singing in unison and dancing away without people blocking you off, exchanging high fives and smiles with strangers, being captivated by the positive energy that night and feeling the love and passing it around. Best night of my life! (and if Mr. A-Z is true to his words,I’m having an aMrazing one this year)

3. Lola Tina’s 75th Birthday Weekend (10-11 April 2011 Fontana Leisure Park)

We hosted a luau for my paternal grandmother’s birthday, complete with summer outfits, colorful leis, paper lanterns and a program Lola was over the moon about. It was the family’s first out-of-town and all of us had a grand time bonding over karaoke, overflowing food, drinks until dawn, malling and swimming. Albeit short, the getaway made us closer as a family and I’m crossing my fingers for more of these moments.

4. New job, endless opportunities

My current job (which I was initially hesitant about) took me over and really pushed my limits. Over the last six months, I gave Powerpoint and Excel a try, conquered my fear in installing the LCD projector, met and strike conversations with clients,

helped organize a conference, made and presented an actual year -end report + marketing plan, attended a number of seminars(for free!), gained more confidence, and the best part, get mentored by industry experts. Pressure and stress asi

de, I’m enjoying working for and learning a lot from my team.

5. My 21st Birthday

I spent my birthday attendi

ng mass at St. Jude, having lunch with my family and opening myself up to unexplored but better opportunities in life. I quit my first job the day before so we opted to have a simple celebration. Bored, broke and broken, I made a decision for myself, and that is to follow my dream, be a better version of myself. A Happy Birthday, indeed.

So yeah, 2011 had been a good year for me. Looking back, I learned a lot from the wonderful adventures I encountered last year.

This 2012, wherever this new chapter will take me, I'll be enjoying the ride.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Life begins in 5..4..3..2..

Funny how a Disney song could change your outlook forever.

I was randomly listening to Tangled's "When Will My Life Begin?" the other day
and the lyrics hit me like a thunderbolt.
Here I am, spending an amazing weekend inside my bedroom, wasting hours and hours on the internet, reading about other people's interesting lives while I sat in envy and zero substance.
Adventure is out there, but where am I stuck at?
Next thing I knew, I was browsing my Facebook albums and reviewing my old blog.
I realized that it had been years since I last enjoyed the serenity of a beach(but I'm a beach bum!), went sight seeing(to think I reside in beautiful Philippines!), tried something new, and traveled(<3). I felt bored and unhappy.

With these thoughts, and reading Eat, Pray, Love(Elizabeth Gilbert), God Never Blinks(Regina Brett) and The Happiness Project (Gretchen Rubin) and knowing about DOT's #it'smorefuninthephilippines campaign, I am ignited with hunger for a more awesome existence.

Being myself, I made a list. With a target. This is because I have a number of dream destinations + activities lists in my previous planners, many of which were never crossed out.
For 2012, I came up with 12 attainable things I would like to accomplish before the year ends.
Some to-do's are for leisure, education, personal and interpersonal development,
but mainly, for a better me.

There are a lot of things I want to try, places I would love to visit, experiences I would love to immerse myself into but I haven't had the time/money/effort/insert-excuses-here to turn them into a reality. And sadly, the things I've been doing(and not) in my day-to-day were not
"stepping stones" towards my bigger goals and dreams. Wasted time & opportunities.
Then I saw this skydiving video at the "30 Before 30" blog(one of my inspirations!) and had to replay over and over because I was captivated by that moment.
The initiative of making a list and the courage in taking risks for a truly lived existence.
I want that so badly. And now is the best time.

This blog is my first step in going after that dream.
When will my life begin? Today.