Monday, July 30, 2012

Just do it!

Today, while discussing my health concerns with a friend, I was given an eye opener to this insight - "No don't try to eat healthy, don't try to exercise. Just eat healthy and just exercise.. It's only try or do. If you fail it means you didn't do it. But if you do it, you can only improve." And from there, I was inspired to take this "healthier" project more seriously. For myself.
As this month comes to a close, I am proud to announce that I have abstained myself from chips & junk this July. No Cheetos, No Marty's, No Lay's, nothing. And regularly exercised!
This August, I have a better plan - No Fast Food. Goodbye Mcdo French fries, Jolly Spaghetti & KFC mushroom soup. The thought makes me weak but I'm owning it.


Friday, July 27, 2012

the lookbook project

Each time I re-organize my closet, I usually see clothes I rarely wear and never get to wear at all, piled at the bottom of my drawer. Quite in contrast with my frequent "I-don't-have-enough-clothes" complaints. Last May, along with my pursuit of looking and feeling better, I started this daily posts of my outfits in Twitter and Instagram, a la Lookbook. I did this project 1) To make an inventory of clothes I wear, I rarely wear but will wear more and clothes I will never wear 2) To let go of stuff I will never use anymore and 3) To have an excuse to dress-up. LOL. For the past couples of months, it had been a regular chore for me before I go out, and I've enjoyed the journey. I get to wear things I forgot I had, mix and match stuff and produced better looking attires, went out of my comfort zone and tried on new clothes, gave away stuff for others' use and as a bonus, received compliments. I used to hate the color red with a passion but since this project of mine, I've been more open and accessorize with red every now and then.

My dress up mantra these days, from a Mraz song, is  "You should look as good as your outlook."
The fun process of trying to look good, gives some positive vibes(and colors) especially during gloomy days.
This project is my way of conquering every lazy morning through 
getting up, dressing up and showing up for life!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sidetrip: Biak-na-Bato National Park

What's supposed to be an afternoon of Sunday driving with my Punkada ended up in a hike in the mountainous areas of San Miguel, Bulacan. Talk about spontaneity. Our friend, Otep invited us to go for a "stroll" yesterday. We thought we'll just drive around town or go malling but in a spur-of-the-moment decision, we found ourselves in Biak-na-Bato, complete in our 'SM'(local mall) get-up. I was wearing hanging blouse and sandals, while Kaye was in her wedges but it was a go.
We trekked for more than an hour, accompanied by a local guide and 2 kids who were so nice to be our 'photographers' and reached the Bahay ng Paniki Cave. I'd like to believe we spelunked but it was more of a photo session for us. It was a fun experience with my friends. In addition, I get to exercise! We had an early dinner of  barbecues, isaw, etc. before going home. Lesson learned? Double check with Otep his destination plans beforehand so we'll be more prepared. He he he.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Reader's Corner: Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

Twilight is so 2008 but it was just this last week of June 2012 that I finally get to read the bestseller. Late bloomer, eh? 

Much has been said and raved about the Twilight saga already so this need not an introduction anymore. For me, it was really a teenybopper vampire loves human love story with cheesy lines, dreamy guy(err, vampire) and all that but I can't help but fall into the captivating trap. It was a feel-good read, me being a hopeless romantic(there, I said it), there were a lot of "Oohs" and "Aww.." moments in the book which were not included in the movie scenes. The story is not remarkable but it hooked readers with Edward and Bella's head-over-heels "You-are-my-life-now" relationship. The cheesiness was more than enough to motivate me to finish Twilight in one weekend. A hundred percent 'Kilig' factor, if I may add. Read it because it will bring you high school giddiness.
Ok, I'm fangirling like a teen now. The End.

Reader's Corner: A Desirable Residence by Madeleine Wickham

My sister and I are big fans of Sophie Kinsella. We have an entire collection and upon reading all her published books, the most logical thing to do is try out her Madeleine Wickham novels. Madeleine Wickham is Sophie's real name. She used Sophie Kinsella as her pen name for the Shopaholic series and some other equally awesome books. If you don't know this trivia yet, you're welcome.

A Desirable Residence is under Wickham's best genre - chick lit.Unfortunately, it did not took me away the way Wickham's Sophie Kinsella bestselllers did. Desirable Residence is about a house(hence the title) and the issues, love, lies and affairs surrounding it. There were funny parts, yes, but it was not for me. I'm kind of sensitive with the 'affairs' portion, honestly. Maybe if I'm in my 30s or 40s, I'll appreciate this more.

I don't have much to rave about A Desirable Residence but I'm still open for other Wickham books. Let's see.

Reader's Corner: For One More Day by Mitch Albom

It's been a while since I read a Mitch Albom, that being Tuesdays with Morrie, but it is a fresh memory to reminisce having read words and words beautifully crafted together to produce a masterpiece about the joys, failures, sadness and triumphs of human existence. 

It couldn't be a better time to get myself a copy of  'For One More Day' than Mother's Day in May (another delayed post!). What hooked me into buying a copy was the teaser "It will make you believe in the eternal power of a mother's love". The phrase hunted me for days until I finally bought one, and I attest, it was one of my best buys. It was an emotional read, with all the rawness, relevance and honesty, for someone like me who grew up without much of my mother's presence around. This book made me realize how much I miss my mom, heightened my love for her and intensified my wishes to be with her. 

The story revolves around a middle-aged guy who, out of a series of failures, decided to die. Along the way, he got an unexpected visit or presence by his already dead mother and from there, comes a journey of reflections, realizations, and revelations by the power of love. The "Times my Mother Stood Up For Me" and "Times I Did Not Stand Up For My Mother" parts brought me a lot of tears. The stories were heartbreaking and heartwarming. I finished the book in an afternoon. Mr. Albom is a star. 

On a more personal note, I hope I could share this book with my mom someday.
As I quote, "Behind all your stories is always your mother's story, because hers is where yours begin."
Makes sense - a lot.

Reader's Corner: Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

In college, I remembered my classmate Angel referring to this book as the "Next Big Thing after Twilight" and all I did in response was get on with my life. Years later, the book was adapted into a movie, which I surprisingly enjoyed, to the extent of seeing it twice, especially knowing I'm never the one to fall into the adventure/action/sci-fi(?) genre. That's a long sentence. I talk too much.

The story was well-written, the plots and twists were out-of-the-box but relevant, the setting was majestic, Jennifer Lawrence was amazing and it was a different take on reality shows in a world of everywhere reality shows. Though it really reminded me of Death Race.

One weekend in early May(Yes, delayed post!), I borrowed the book copy of my younger sister Cayla and read it through. Since I already saw the movie, much of what I got from the book was predictable and not much exciting but I'm really glad the movie makers were faithful to the book. It was light, romantic and funny when it needed to, emotionally effective, a bit dragging at times(maybe because I know the story already), but all in all, it was a great read. Cayla, who's a big fan of the series, has the entire collection so I'm sure I'll be browsing through the sequels as well. I'm really curious as to what life would be like for Katniss and Peeta after the games. Ok, I searched the Wikipedia for hints but nothing would beat getting the story straight from the book.

Oh well, Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor.