Sunday, July 1, 2012

Reader's Corner: Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

In college, I remembered my classmate Angel referring to this book as the "Next Big Thing after Twilight" and all I did in response was get on with my life. Years later, the book was adapted into a movie, which I surprisingly enjoyed, to the extent of seeing it twice, especially knowing I'm never the one to fall into the adventure/action/sci-fi(?) genre. That's a long sentence. I talk too much.

The story was well-written, the plots and twists were out-of-the-box but relevant, the setting was majestic, Jennifer Lawrence was amazing and it was a different take on reality shows in a world of everywhere reality shows. Though it really reminded me of Death Race.

One weekend in early May(Yes, delayed post!), I borrowed the book copy of my younger sister Cayla and read it through. Since I already saw the movie, much of what I got from the book was predictable and not much exciting but I'm really glad the movie makers were faithful to the book. It was light, romantic and funny when it needed to, emotionally effective, a bit dragging at times(maybe because I know the story already), but all in all, it was a great read. Cayla, who's a big fan of the series, has the entire collection so I'm sure I'll be browsing through the sequels as well. I'm really curious as to what life would be like for Katniss and Peeta after the games. Ok, I searched the Wikipedia for hints but nothing would beat getting the story straight from the book.

Oh well, Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor.

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